The best alternative to Tractive GPS for tracking your dog

CaniGPS is a GPS for dogs like Tractive GPS. CaniGPS offers similar functionality to Tractive.

Safety and freedom, hand in paw with CaniGPS: Follow the adventure, not the fear!"

The CaniGPS collar will enable you to find your dog quickly with no distance limits.

CaniGPS is a product of the French start-up Canicompet. Our aim is to make GPS collars accessible to as many people as possible at attractive prices.

Ideal for all dogs walking freely and hunters.

👉 No distance limit to locate your dog

👉 Sound the collar to alert your dog

Be alerted when your dog leaves a defined area - virtual fences

Record your dog's activities

4 user modes: Activity, Live, Rest, Sleep

👉 Lost collar? Have it play music or switch on its little light

👉 Available without a CaniGPS subscription. You can use your own subscription, for example the €2 Free subscription?